God's mercy to us
Napoleon I of France, who reigned from
1804-1814 led campaigns against the
First and Second Coalitions--groups of
European nations bent on overthrowing
France's rule. His attack on European
superpowers took on his name,
"The Napoleonic Wars".
Many of these great conquerors had to
commit acts of great cruelty in order to
ensure victory; yet there was a more
merciful side to this great warrior.
The story is told of one of his young
men who had been arrested for stealing
twice from the Royal Palace. The sentence for this offence was hanging. The boy's mother placed herself as an advocate, and sought mercy for her son from the great Napoleon. Napoleon's response was, "This boy has stolen from my palace twice, he deserves justice and that justice is death". The mother replied, "but I don't ask for justice, your Highness, I seek mercy.
" "He doesn't deserve mercy," replied Napoleon. Whereupon the mother passionately begged, "It would not be
mercy if he deserved it". Touched by the mother's grief and passion, Napoleon consented and released the boy.
This story gives us a good illustration of God's mercy to us who have broken God's law. The Bible shows us that Adam was created sinless, but he broke God's command and eat of the forbidden fruit--the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The penalty for this offence was eternal death, and that sentence was passed on all mankind because through Adam's disobedience, all mankind became sinful.
The Lord Jesus became our advocate, but went much further by accepting the punishment for our sin. No one on earth was righteous enough to take the punishment due to us, because all are sinners. God loved the world so much that He was willing to send His Son to earth to die a vicarious death on the cross and bear the punishment for our sins in His body. The sacrifice which the Lord Jesus made was acceptable to God and, after three days, God raised Jesus from the dead. He later appeared to his disciple and commissioned them to go into all the world and preach the gospel of redemption through faith in the sacrifice of Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary.
Today we have the same gospel message declaring that all those who trust implicitly in this sacrifice will indeed receive pardon for their sins. We do not deserve this mercy, nor can we earn it. The Bible says in Eph. 2:8 For by grace are you saved, through faith, and that not of yourself: it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast.